AKKI Graphic courtesy of the official AKKI website.
The Journey Continues

"The best way to predict the future, is to create it."

       During my writing career, I have written many things from several different venues.  As someone who enjoys almost all facets of writing, this should not be a surprise.  I have written technical information, books, cinematic outlines, and editorials;  including an editorial on the AKKI for a website and non-profit company I am directly involved with.  However, in this case, I am afraid the founder of the AKKI can speak more competently for the organization then I.  So here it is:  the AKKI Mission Statement, written by Paul Mills, Master of the Arts and founder of the AKKI. 

       The American Kenpo Karate International is a martial arts association for those interested in expanding their education and perpetuating their skills into the future. Our purpose in the AKKI, is to preserve the art of American Kenpo by continuing to create, innovate and perpetuate the ever changing, fascinating and magical art of Kenpo.  Our American Kenpo Karate international Association has developed a reputation for maintaining a very high level of proficiency in the art, coupled with sound ethics.  The AKKI is a synergistic group striving to be humble, honorable, responsible and respectful.  We also strive to reach the highest level of perfection, developing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual thoughts and actions.  The AKKI is a synergistic group striving to be humble, honorable, responsible and respectful.  We also strive to reach the highest level of perfection, developing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual thoughts and actions.  Our trained, professional instructors possess extraordinary skill, talent, knowledge and wisdom.  Their leadership qualities provide a positive atmosphere, coupled with innovative and progressive training ideas designed for those students who would like to learn Kenpo at it's cutting edge. Only this way, can we all truly perpetuate the art of Kenpo into the future.  Our instructors, students and new members of the AKKI are encouraged to seek continuous improvement, and constant innovation.  As mentioned before, we must continue to break traditional ways of thinking, realizing that a Kenpo practitioner may make small improvements by developing new skills.  Quantum leaps and revolutionary advances in the martial arts require new road maps and new paradigms.  This distinctively offers new ways of thinking about old problems. 

       All of us in the AKKI continue to work hard to develop and provide our members, a distinctively unique method of sharing and teaching the most advanced techniques, sets and forms.  This creative, innovative, progressive and logical approach expedites the students' comprehension by internalizing their mind and motion, enabling them to perform at maximum action potential.  Therefore, the student can achieve their goals, both short and long-term, in a very efficient, productive and professional manner.  This will allow them the opportunity to achieve the rank of Black Belt in 2-1/2 to 3 years, and will ensure the quality, understanding and knowledge necessary to gain self-mastery of the individual, as well as confidence and proficiency in the art of Kenpo.

        The AKKI has gained it's reputation by building on quality and logic:  these main building blocks are standard universal requirements for establishing a firm foundation.  We have a solid structure and a very stable association, growing at a phenomenal rate.

       The AKKI have achieved a worldwide credibility, recognition and exposure.  We have accomplished this by developing and producing thousands of extremely creative and proficient Kenpo practitioners, as well as hundreds of high-ranking black belts throughout the world. 

       As a member of the American Kenpo Karate International, you will attain prestigious and unparalleled status in an association with an unquestionable professional standard of excellence and quality.  We are inferior to none, equal to any, superior to many. 

Paul Mills, Master of the Arts
President and Founder of the AKKI

       For this and much more about Mr. Mills and the American Kenpo Karate International Association, feel free to visit their official website at the link below:

American Kenpo Karate International Website

May you find both the Scholar and the Warrior
in your Kenpo endeavors.

* Mr. Mills and some guy :-)  during Sept. '97 Vegas Camp


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AKKI Crest courtesy of Mr. Paul Mills and the AKKI.


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