(Sophisticated Motion Arsenal Retention Training)

         Simply put, this course is elective self-defense training with man-made weapons.  Training categories include Upper, and Lower Case Blunt, and Edged Weapons.  In the Beginning Level up to Purple Belt the voluntary weapons concepts will be based on Sword and Staff weapon tactics and motion.  While at the Intermediate Levels, there will be more advance motion tactics within the Sword and Staff Upper Case category, along with beginning training with Club and Knife Lower Case weapons.  Once in the Advanced Level within the studio, the Upper Case material will be taken over by more advanced Lower Case Club and Knife concepts.  This course is considered supplemental from the normal self-defense training within Kenpo, whereas you are defending yourself against attack.  Within this division there will be more extensive training in the operation and function of man-made weapons then the typical empty-hand education.  The teaching will be presented in the form of drills, forms and sets, and techniques where available.

        The separation between the Upper and Lower Case training is done so with the understanding the a great deal of the concepts between Upper and Lower Case blunt and edged weapons are very similar.  Staff and Club methods of execution are similar, just as Sword and Knife concepts are similar.  The biggest difference between them is simply that, the length difference between the Staff or Sword, and the Club or Knife.  Given this length discrepancy, generally the Staff and Sword are operated with both hands to increase effectiveness, but other then that the concepts are very similar, just on a larger scale.  We have set up the course to cover Upper Case weapons first to give the student a greater range to work with during their studies.  However, as we have mentioned before, this course is elective on all counts.  Should the student want to take all of the aspects of the course, none of them, or only some of them, we will accommodate the students needs.

         Most of the S.M.A.R.T. Course training concepts, especially the Club and Knife formulas and methods, are from the AKKI Universal Weapons System.  However, this is dependant upon the cirriculum the student is involved in.  The Sword and Staff training comes from the Universal Weapons System, personal investigation, and the IKKA Staff Set for added specifics.  All four of the categories are developed and presented in different levels, and were chosen for their prospective effectiveness.  Club and Knife information is presented in three separate phases, those being 1st, 2nd, 3rd Level Certification;  which are tested for ability and comprehension. These two components of the S.M.A.R.T. Course are a little less elective, since they are requirements for the rank of Black Belt under the AKKI.  Once you are involved with Kenpo or training within the AKKI, the reasoning behind this will be rationalized in greater depth.

        The Sword and Staff exercises are presented within initial belt skill level, and are executed within the comfort and abilities of the student.  Sword and Staff training is typically brought to the student at Yellow through Purple due to the size ratio, as we mentioned before.  The larger scope of the Sword and Staff enable the student to gain an understanding of edged and blunt weapons on a larger and more protected scale, before going to the more precise and decreased range of the Club and Knife.  However, these two concepts are to be considered extremely elective, and are to be thought of as more personal preference related or "things to work on if you're curious."

        To create an understanding, the weapon concepts developed and operated within the IKKA, AKKI, and Golden Tempest are to be utilized for motion study and the potential for self-defense.  The Blunt and Edged weapons training systems are not to be used aggressively or in an offensive manner.  They are only to be used as a training tool within American Kenpo Karate, or at best, to preserve human life.  The S.M.A.R.T. Course will only be taught to those who want to study this section of the Science of Kenpo.  The course will also purely be taught to those who can mentally or emotionally handle the information in it's completed state.  Just to clear things up on the different courses and teaching methods found within these sections.  We at Golden Tempest have developed these ideas and teaching methods to work within the AKKI, and have been instated from our own personal teaching styles.  They should not be considered competitive, nor strictly used within the AKKI, for neither are the case whatsoever.  These are just our personal teaching methods we have found success with.

For more information on the S.M.A.R.T. program, 

feel free to e-mail us at:  perpetualgraphix@hotmail.com.


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