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        Welcome to our forum.  Just a little disclaimer to let everyone know the ground rules while on the forum, and a little information to let you know where we are coming from.  Technically there aren't any house-rules.  This forum will be virtually free from any real editing, as long as the swearing doesn't get out of hand.  You can pretty much say whatever you like.  Bare in mind however, this is a public forum.  None of the views expressed are to be associated in any way with any organization or individual beyond the person expressing them.  They are simply views.  So anything that is said on this forum will be a direct reflection on nothing more than yourself. 

        Now that the Dragon Tales website is a separate entity from Martial Fusion, we are going to put the forum to good use.  Here we will be discussing everything in the Kenpo world you could possibly imagine.  From the politics to the physical execution of Kenpo material, all will be found and discussed within these walls.  From time to time there may be references towards what is happening with all of these websites, given that the Dragon Tales head editor is associated with Martial Fusion and the Golden Tempest Kenpo Studio.   But we will try to keep that to a minimum and stick to the business at hand. 

        The Dragon Tales forum shall also be shared with the Golden Tempest Kenpo Studio, so there will also be input from the folks in that corner of the net.  While they are AKKI affiliated, please don't misread that to mean this a strict AKKI forum.  On the contrary, anyone can play in our "sandbox" without fear of retribution or editing, and no matter what style or system you are involved with.  In it's essence, this is a forum for all students of the martial arts;  we have just chosen to follow the Kenpo path.  The fact is, at the "Kenpo Playground" as we have named this forum, there is only one real rule:  check your attitude at the door and be ready to talk shop. 

Beyond that have fun and try to leave everything in one piece.

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