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Critics Corner
Product Editorials

        Here you will find editorials from Dragon Tales on different products and services encompassing all aspects of the world of self-defense.  Anything from martial arts training products and educational material, to consultation in the pros and cons of various self-defense tools on the market, shall be put to the literary test in the form of on-line discussion and editorials.  The products at Martial Fusion will even fall under the ax of our editorials, for we spare no one.  And the articles on Martial Fusion related products will probably be the most insightful, given that we are the folks who work on the creation of the products available through them.  Since everyone has opinions (boy don't we know that) we will be giving our opinions on just about everything we can see, hear, taste, touch; what have you.  And yes, they may stink as well, you never know.

        Yet, bare in mind, our writing in this section in no way means that we are experts in this or any other field.  Quite frankly, a joke we were told once on the subject of the word "expert" sums up our feelings on the subject.  The joke simply is ex means former, and xpert (sounded out spurt) is a drip.  So we feel that in no way are we a former drip.  I kid, I kid.  All joking aside however, we aren't the types to be forcing opinions, thoughts, or beliefs down other people's throats.  We save that for other folks.  We simply like to discuss things that mean something to us, subjects that are of interest to us.  And if this helps others, then all the better.

       However, our record while working within Martial Fusion as consultants has been nearly spotless for what we've been hired to do, and we take great joy in this fact.  We also do not plan to do anything to tarnish this record we have worked so hard to receive.  Hopefully, we can help anyone who needs our services.

Current Editorials:

   FluidLance Consultation Article 1:  Our first installment reviewing and consulting on Edged Tools.


Feel free to check back often, there will be more editorials soon.