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Gym Tigris
Kenpo Chi
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American Kenpo Karate Affiliated

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       Gym Tigris is a rather revolutionary concept in the gymnasium world, bringing the best elements from both the health and fitness communities, and martial arts fitness conditioning.  At Gym Tigris you will find information that can help you to increase many areas of your martial arts training, no matter what style or system you are studying.  Everything from enhanced speed, accuracy, power, and physical fitness in general will be topics of study.  And although most of the folks involved with Gym Tigris are students of American Kenpo, the methods of physical training will transcend it's base into life itself.  The Gym Tigris concept is simple:   anyone can train here, we only ask that you keep an open mind with everyone and everything, train as hard as you can at whatever skill level you are at, and most of all have fun.

Be sure to contact your physician before beginning any new form of exercise to ensure your safety.

        What will not be found at Gym Tigris is anything of a narcissism direction, belittling or harassing of others, nor discussions on body altering drugs unless it pertains to safe practice and training.  So whatever your background, this site is strictly for pure martial arts physical conditioning that could one day save your life.  Although distrusting narcissistic tendencies, we at Gym Tigris do believe in the idea of being "fighting fit" with not necessarily body mass nor sculpting being the target.  The true target being better martial arts habits, and a more healthy lifestyle.


Article #1  Resistance to build speed and accuracy

Article #2  Fightning Fit

Check back often for more Gym Tigris Physical Fitness Training articles.