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Article #2
Fighting Fit

       The world has changed.  The most vile, perverse, and inconceivable attack of terrorism on America has taken place, and it's effects at this moment are still not known.  The true ramifications of this action could be considered as inconceivable as the action itself, yet hopefully they remain just, and honorable on the side of our country.  Now is the time however, when capitalization upon this event have taken their course.  Nevertheless, the editorials within this website will not fall under the heading of capitalization, for they will take a different path.  That of respect, and honor for those that have passed from this world, and aid those who are still with us.  Some people paint, some people sing, I write.  I also train in the art of Self-Preservation and Self-Defense, and now, more then ever, both of these "hobbies" can be put to good use for the good of our nation.  I encourage all of you reading this and the other editorials to do what you can in this new environment to help those around you.  Not only is it the right thing to do, but it may save lives.

Now let's get to work.

        There is a lot of good to be said for the idea of being prepared or Fighting Fit.  While training in Kenpo Karate, however, this can take on a whole new definition.  Unlike with other systems of self-defense, Kenpo takes on the characteristics of the individual, not the necessity towards the molding of the individual to the art.  In other words, when training in Kenpo, you are free to be what you are.  You don’t have to be the super athlete with the ability to jump 30 feet in the air, do a helicopter kick with a mid-air flip, and land on two fingers in a handstand.  With Kenpo you can be as you are, train diligently, and fair extremely well in a self-defense situation. 

        However, from the standpoint of the individual writing this dialog, there is a statement which comes to mind.  “You never know when you are going to need it.”  What this means, in regards to being Fighting Fit, is.. well, take running for instance.  There are very few people on the planet that like to run, even I don’t and I do it every day.  And while you may not like it very much, you just never know when circumstances will dictate the necessity for running.  So beyond the obvious cardiovascular benefits of running, it may be a good idea to work on running simply to keep it in your arsenal. 

        Now bare in mind, I may be coming from a slightly different direction as far as the Fighting Fit concept.  Recently I was involved in something I like to call the “sweatshop diet.”  This is where you do an extremely physically demanding job for about 10 hours a day at an extreme pace, and end up losing about 20 pounds in a month or so.   While this got me in the greatest shape of my life, it is far from safe nor something we recommend and so many levels.  Yet, it was the trigger for writing this essay.  From this experience I have found that raising the level of your personal martial arts training can give great benefits to Fighting Fitness.  Keep in mind, however, safety should be your primary concern at all times.  Your training will be more then nothing should you become injured in some fashion will working out.

        Some ideas to try in your training to change or raise the level of your workouts would be to work on things you don’t work on regularly.  One day soon on this section of the E-zine I’m going to publish the workout concept we have created so everyone can see where we are coming from with this Fighting Fit concept.  In it you will find a diverse way of training covering as much Kenpo education as I currently have been exposed to, and several other physical training methods to aid in this study.  Training methods such as Yoga, strength training, aerial kicking methods, and other physical concepts to aid in my Kenpo training and make my workouts more productive. 

        The biggest thing you want to ask yourself when thinking about changing your workouts or increasing your level of Fighting Fitness is, “What haven’t I tried?”  I think there is a quote that goes something like “If you always do what you have always done, then you will always go where you have already gone.”  This is something you may wish to strongly consider, for especially in Kenpo, you must strive to continue forward with your training.  So try new things under safe training principles, for working on new things in your training will prepare you for new experiences. 

More to come soon.

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