2nd Degree Black Belt
Basic Premise

Self Defense Techniques

Fatal Cross Front Two Hand Attempted Low Grab or Push
Both Clear, Punch, Backfists, Eyepokes, Grab, Double Knee Strikes, Turn Manipulation with Rear Step, Knee Strikes/Kick

Twirling Hammers Left Punch
Crossover Parry/Lead Backfist, Opposite Elbow, Lead Hammerfist, Opponents Opposite Arm Grab/Pull with Step, Sweep Kick, Punch Sandwich, Claw, Eye Poke

Defensive Cross Right Front Kick
Lead Cross Block/Drag, Backfist, Lead Palm, Opposite Kick, Lifting Backfist, Lead Kick, Opposite Crescent to Roundhouse Kick

Dance of Darkness Front Right Kick/Punch Combination
Twist Downward/back to Double Factor, Double Strikes, Backfist, Sweep/Eyepoke, Spin Buckle/Strikedown, End Kicks

Marriage of the Rams Right and Left Two Person Shoulder Grabs (Close)
Low Groin Whips, Circle to Arm Manipulation, Snakes of Wisdom for Remainder

The Ram and Eagle Front Right Punch and Rear Left Collar Grab by Two People
1.Flashing Mace, 2.5 Swords, 1.2.Crossover/Palms, 1.Kick, 2. Back Kick

Escape From the Storm Right Flank Right Overhead Club
Brushing the Storm, Twist/Knee Break, Crossover/Unwind Finger Whip, Spur Kick, Finger Whip, Repeat from Crossover

Circling Windmills Front Two Hand Push to Right Punch
Opposite Parry/Lead Palm, Lead High/Opposite Low Hammerfist, Switch Opposite High/Lead Low, Step/Hammer, Eyepokes, Twist/Opposite Eyepoke/Sweep, Opposite Grab/Lead Break, Palm, Fulcrum, Spur Kick, Twist/Backfist, Spin Kick

Destructive Kneel Front Right Punch
Opposite Parry/Grab/Lead Inward Break/Kneel, Opposite Claw/Lead Backfist, Lead Punch/Opposite Backfist, Lead Neck Fulcrum/Knee, Opposite Hammerfist/Rear Step Strikedown, Kick

Bowing To Buddha Front Right Roundhouse Kick While Kneeling
Opposite Universal Block, Lead Elbow, Sandwich, Palm Strikedown, Switch Rollover, Crossover Break, Stomp

Reversing Circles Front Left Roundhouse Kick/Left Punch Combination
Lead Universal Block, Lead Upward Parry/Opposite Palm, Switch to Lead Palm/Opposite Upward Parry, Arm Lock/Twist, Kick/Backfist, Cover Out/Arm Takedown, Kick

Reprimanding the Bears Front Right Punch and Rear Bear Hug by Two People (Arm Free)
1.Right Block, Kick, 2.Buckle/Hammerfist, Backfist/Grab, Knee, 1.Kick, Backfist, 2.Kick, 1.Rear Kick

Circling the Storm Front Right Club Thrust
Lead Block, Step Forward /Elbow, Spin Opposite Elbow, Hop Kick/Eye Rake/Fulcrum, Whip, Circle to Fulcrum, Opposite Sweep, Whip, Fulcrum/Knee, Lead Forearm, Backfist, Buckle/Punch

Unfolding the Dark Left Punch From Right Rear Flank
Rear Cat Stance, Lead Parry, Kick, Side Kick, Spin/Backfist, Opposite Hammer/Lead Hammer Strike Down, Kick

Unwinding Pendulum Front Right Kick/Punch Combination
Rear Step/Downward/Inward Block, Opposite Palm, Step Kick, Lead Whip, Buckle/Elbow, Step/Repeat, Sweep/Backfist, Crossover/Punch

Piercing Lance Front Right Knife Thrust Arms Up
Opposite Parry/Lead Palm, Pin/Spin Elbow, Rear Step/Strike Down, Arm Break, Grab/Break, Grab/Armlock, Kick, Stomp

Escape From Darkness Right Punch from Left Rear Flank
Rear Cat, Inward Parry, Kick, Spin Buckle/Backfist, Forward Step/Punch, Fulcrum, Opposite Punch, Fulcrum, Hook Kick

Capturing the Rod Front Right Pistol Holdup (Against Chest)
Opposite Parry/Lead Grab, Opposite Eye Poke, Rear Step/Wrist Fulcrum, Step Kick, Vertical/Horizontal Figure 8

Prance of the Tiger Right Flank Right Uppercut Punch
Step Back to Cat Stance, Opposite to Lead Parry, Opposite Raking Punch/Lead Twist Kick, Step Lead Kick/Punch, Lead Sweep/Claw, Spin/Buckle/Lead Hammerfist, Step/Knee/Hammer, Repeat, Palm with Crossover

Broken Rod Rear Right Hand Pistol
Spin Twist/Opposite Parry/Pin/Lead Break, Upward Break, Step/Armlock, Wrist Pull, Strike, Looping Strike, Clear Strike/Hop-Kick/Inward Strike (Leaping Crane), Outward Strike, Opposite Palm, Lead Inward Strike

Entwined Maces Front Right and Left Punch with Opponents Left Leg Forward
Cat Stance, Lead Figure 8 Parries/Grab, Opposite Punch, Lead Chop, Rear Crossover/Opposite Palm/Lead Elbow/Hammerfist/Buckle, Lead Outward Hammer, Opposite Palm, Knee, Lead Hammerfist, Back Kick

Defying the Rod Front Right Pistol Holdup
Step/Opposite Parry/Grab/Lead Kick/Eye Poke, Elbow to Grab, Wrist Fulcrum, Rear Step/Hook/Pull, Step Knee/Circle Hammerfist, Rising Kick, Side Kick, Front Crossover/Hammer, Lifting Strike, Spin Kick

Fatal Deviation Front Right and Left Punch with Opponents Left Leg Forward
Figure 8 Lead Inward/Outward/Opposite Palm, Lead Inward Chop, Front Crossover/Lead Hammer/Opposite Palm, Knee, Elbow Sandwich, Lead Buckle/Hammerfist, Knee to Spin Back Kick

Twisted Rod Front Right Pistol Holdup
Opposite Parry/Grab/Lead Grab, Wrist Redirect, Step/Takedown, Lead Kick, Stomp, Knee Drop/Eye Poke, Opposite Wrist Fulcrum, Outward to Inward Strikes, Kick, Arm Sweep

Short 4 (1st Half)- Half of the longest form in the system, teaching technique utilization from odd placement

Club Set- Teaches basic Kenpo Club fundamentals such as Striking, Drills, Blocking, and Maneuvers.

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