Yellow Belt
Basic Premise

Self Defense Techniques

Delayed Sword  Right Punch or Lapel Grab
Lead Inward Block, Kick, Outward Chop

Alternating Maces Two Hand Push
Lead Inward Block, Opposite Punch, Lead Backfist

Sword of Destruction Left Roundhouse
Lead Outward Block, Kick, Inward Chop

Deflecting Hammer  Right Front Kick
Lead Downward/Outward Block, Inward Elbow (Backfist/elbow optional)

Captured Twigs  Rear Bearhug Arms Pinned
Horse Stance, Left Check, Right Back Elbow, Hammerfist, Stomp, Obscure Elbow

Grasp of Death Left Flank Right Arm Headlock
Pinch/Pain induced escape, arm lock, finish rear punch

Checking the Storm  Overhead Club Strike
Cat Stance, Upward Block, Lead Kick, Step Through Kick, Lead Backfist (Hammerfist)

Mace of Aggression Two Hand Grab Pulling In
Opposite Check, Lead Hammerfist, Clear, Inward Elbow, Outward Elbow

Attacking Mace  Right Punch
Lead Inward Block, Opposite Punch, Outward Block, Step Through Kick, Opposite Punch

Sword and Hammer  Right Flank Left Hand Shoulder Grab
Horse Stance, Left Check, Right Outward Chop, Outward Hammerfist

Short 1- Teaches Blocking while in motion within basic stances and stance changes

Blocking Set- Teaches basic Blocking motion in a Star type pattern with single, or both arms
Striking Set-  Teaches basic Striking motion starting with from a Straight Punch position

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