3rd degree brown belt
Basic Premise

Self Defense Techniques

Glancing Spear Right Direct Left Wrist Grab
Opposite Grab/release to Lead Elbow, Opposite EyePoke, Lead then Spinning Strikedown Sweep, Finish Kick

Thrust Into Darkness Rear Right Punch
Opposite Parry, Kick, Step Through Kick, Side Step Kick, Double Punch, Return Kick

Circling Fans Front Right and Left Punch Combination
Double Inward Parries, Lead Kick, Uppercut, Front Crossover Punch/Knee/Forearm, Return Kick

Rotating Destruction Front Right Snap Kick and Left Spinning Back Kick
Lead Downward Parry/Rear Step/Circular Outward Parry, Lead Eyepoke, Kick, Spin Kick, Return Kick

Falcons of Force Flank Left and Right Two Person Shoulder Grab
1.Sword and Hammer, 2.5 Swords, 1.Delayed Sword Combination, 2.Back Kick, 1.Spin Sweep Kick

Bear and the Ram Front Right Punch and Rear Bear Hug Arms Free by Two People
1.Sword Of Destruction, 2.Crashing Wings, 1.Rear Crossover Back Kick, 1.Step Kick, Opposite Raking Kick, 2.Front Crossover Kick

Raining Lance Right Overhead Knife
Opposite Double Factor Parry/Redirect, Opposite Elbow, Lead Pinch, Opposite Eye Rake, Forward Step Chop/Hammer Strike Down

Desperate Falcons Front Two Hand Grab To Both Wrists
Escape To Double Punch, Switch with Lead Punch, Elbow, Hammerfist, Rear Crossover Buckle, Exit Knee

Leap of Death Front Right Punch
Outward Parry, Grab, Lead Break, Backfist, Strikedown, Leap to Horse, Double Palm, Neck Manipulation, Chop, Palm/Knee, Exit kick

Protecting Fans Front Right And Left Punch Combination (Opponents Left Leg Forward)
Opposite Double Factor Parries, Lead Eyepoke/Opposite Kick, Lead Elbow, Eye Rake/Scoop Kick, Plant/Chop

Deceptive Panther Combination Right Front Snap Kick (Low) and Right Roundhouse Kick (High)
Universal Block, Lead Kick, Backfist, Opposite Hammerfist, Lead Lifting Strike, Back Kick

Courting the Tiger Flank Left and Right Arm Two Person Grab
1.Twist to Kick, 2.Sweep/Kick, 1.Rear Twist Backfist, 2.Chicken Kick, 1.Rear Step Back Kick

Gathering of the Snakes Front Left Punch and Rear Right Punch by Two People
1.Circling Destruction, obstruction, 2.Parry/Kick, Both Twist/Backfists, Unwind Palms, 1.Spin Kick, 2. Kick

Glancing Lance Right Knife Thrust Arms Down
Opposite Parry/Lead Break, Step Through Kick, Eyepoke, Parry/Side Step Kick, Palm to Fulcrum, Punch, Forearm Lift

Dominating Circles  Front Right Shoulder Grab By Opponents Right Hand
Circle over Arm/behind Leg, Buckle/Palm, Chopping Fulcrum/Armlock, Cover Out Takedown, Arm Break, Knee

Destructive Fans Left Flank Right Punch with Opponents Right Leg Forward
Lead Double Factor to Opposite Inward Hammerfist, Lead Sweep, Spin StrikeDown Sweep, Opposite Punch, Kick

Unfurling Crane Front Right and Left Punch Combination with Opponents Right Leg Forward
Outward to Opposite Double Factor Blocks, Lead Hammerfist, Opposite Claw, Lead Backfist, Hammerfist, Obscure Elbow, Scoop Kick/Chop, Palm/Kick

Grasping Eagles Front Right Lapel Grab and Rear Right Arm Grab by Two People
1.Inward Block/Opposite Kick, 2.Hammerfist, 1.2.Double Palms, 1.Step Through Kick, 2.Back Kick

Parting of the Snakes Front Right Punch and Rear Attempt by Two People
1.Lead Parry/Opposite Strike, 2.Hammerfist/1.Knee, 2.Back Kick, 1.Punch, 2.Twist/Backfist, 1.Unwind/Chicken Kick, Hammerfist, 2.Back Kick

Thrusting Lance Right Knife Thrust Arms Down
Lead Parry/Grab, Opposite Strike, Step Back Wristlock, Chicken Kick, Horizontal and Vertical Figure 8 Strikes, Step Through Elbow, Rear Crossover Buckle/Opposite Palm

Blinding Sacrifice Front Two Hand Grab or Choke
Double Wedge EyePoke, Redirect Hands, Backfists/Cat Stance, Eyepokes, Arm Clear, Punches, Grab, Knee, Kick

Snakes of Wisdom Flank Left and Right Shoulder Grabs by Two People
Double Elbows/Arm Manipulations, Backfists/Circle to Head Grabs, Knee Strike, Leg Pulls, Step Through Kicks

Entwined Lance Front Right Knife Thrust
Crossover Opposite Parry/Lead Palm Strike, Opposite Poke/Lead Sweep Kick, Kick/Backfist, Step Back Hammerfists, Kick

Falling Falcon Right Direct Lapel Grab
Opposite Check/Lead Forearm Strike, Take Down, Arm Break/Kick, Arm Break, Shin Kick, Stomp

Long Form 3-Extended versions of same or new techniques from Short 3, functionally utilizing self-defense techniques.

Finger Set 2-Teaches Finger and Specialized Hand utilization as a striking weapon in constant stance motion
Kicking Set 2-Teaches more acrobatic and airborne kicking methods of execution then previously covered.

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