Orange Belt
Basic Premise

Self Defense Techniques

Clutching Feathers Left Hand Hair Grab
Opposite Check, Lead Punch, Outward Block, Opposite Check (Palm), Lead Hammerfist

Triggered Salute Right Hand Push
Opposite Pin, Lead Palm, Fulcrum, Inward to Outward Elbow, Backfist, Uppercut

Dance of Death Right Punch
Lead Inward Parry, Step Through StrikeDown, Striking Checks to Leg Manipulation

Thrusting Salute Right Front Kick
Lead Downward Block, Step Through Kick, Lead Palm

Gift of Destruction Handshake with Violent Intent
Lead Break/Step Through Knee, Lead Elbow

Locking Horns Front Headlock
Double Strike for Escape, Lead Pushdown Strike, Upward Elbow, Backfist, Inward Elbow

Lone Kimono Left Hand Lapel Grab
Opposite Check, Lead Upward Block Break, Inward Clear Block, Outward Chop

Glancing Salute Right Hand Cross Push
Opposite Pin, Lead Break, Clear, Opposite Palm/Fulcrum, Step Through Knee, Lead Elbow

Five Swords Right Roundhouse Punch
Both Wedge Block, Lead Chop, Opposite Palm, Lead Uppercut, Opposite Chop/Fulcrum, Lead Chop

Buckling Branch Left Front Kick
Lead Downward Block, Step Through Kick, Step Through Kick

Scraping Hoof Full Nelson
Both Striking Clear, Right Back Spur Kick, Side Kick, Stomp, Repeat Left side

Grip of Death Left Flank Right Headlock
Double Inward Hammerfists, Opposite Neck Fulcrum, StrikeDown

Crossing Talon Right Cross Wrist Grab
Opposite grab, Lead Armlock, Outward Elbow, Neck Fulcrum, Scraping Backfist, Elbow

Repeating Mace Left Hand Push
Opposite Outward Block, Lead Inward Hammerfist, Outward Backfist (Hammerfist), Kick

Shielding Hammer Left Roundhouse
Lead Outward Extended Block (Opposite Chop), Inward Hammerfist, Outward Elbow

Striking Serpents Head Front Bear Hug Arms Free
Opposite Check/Lead Backfist, Neck Fulcrum, Opposite Half Fist Punch

Locked Wing Hammerlock
Opposite Check/Grab, Lead Elbow, Specialized Arm Fulcrum, Step Through Knee

Obscure Wing Right Flank Left Hand Shoulder Grab
Opposite Check, Lead Outward Elbow, Hammerfist, Obscure Elbow

Reversing Mace Left Punch
Opposite Double Factor Block, Lead Outward Hammerfist, Kick

Thrusting Prongs Front Bear Hug Arms Pinned
Both Thumb Strikes, Lead Fulcrum, Step Through Knee, Lead Elbow

Twisted Twig Front Wrist Lock
Opposite Check, Lead Upward Elbow, Inward Hammerfist/Clear, Downward Hammerfist

Obscure Sword Right Flank Left Hand Shoulder Grab
Turn, Lead Outward Chop or Block, Step Through Kick

Raining Claw Right Uppercut Punch
Lead Downward Block, Opposite Claw, Tracking Uppercut or Backfist

Crashing Wings Rear Bear Hug Arms Free
Horse Stance, both Inward Clear Strikes, Move around Opponents leg for Strike Down

Long Form 1-Teaches Blocking with Strikes while in motion within basic stances and stance changes.

Stance Set- Teaches basic Stances and stance changes without the use of your hands.
Kicking Set-  Teaches basic Kicking motion, alternating each Kick into a different scenario.

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