Purple Belt
Basic Premise

Self Defense Techniques

Twirling Wings Rear Two Hand Stiff Arm Shoulder Grab
Turning/Lead Outward Block, Opposite Elbow, Lead Elbow

Snapping Twigs Left Hand Chest Push
Pin/Parry Arm Break, Lead Clear, Opposite Chop, Lead Hammerfist, Elbow Smash

Leaping Crane Right Punch
Side Step Lead Parry/Opposite Punch, Kick, Plant/Lead Backfist, Elbow Smash

Swinging Pendulum Right Roundhouse Kick
Opposite Universal Block, Lead Hammerfist, Horse Stance/Elbow

Crushing Hammer Rear Bear Hug Arms Pinned
Captured Twigs beginning, Move around leg for Strike Down (Crashing Wings)

Captured Leaves Right Flank Finger Lock
Check with Release, Turn Lead Elbow, Turn Lead Elbow (Potential Arm Break)

Evading the Storm Right Overhead Club
Opposite Double Factor Parry, Step Through Kick, Opposite Punch, Step Through Knees

Charging Ram Front Tackle
Step Up Circle, Lead Parry/Opposite Chop, Lead Chop, Lead Kick, Opposite Kick

Parting Wings Front Two Hand Push
Double Outward Blocks, Opposite Palm, Lead Chop, Opposite Punch

Thundering Hammers Right Punch
Lead Inward Block, Opposite Hammerfist, Lead Hammerfist, Opposite Hammerfist

Squeezing the Peach Rear Bear Hug, Arms Pinned
Lead Pin, Opposite Grab, Switch Spur Kick, Buckle with Rear Elbow

Circling Wing Rear Two Hand Choke, Arms Bent
Turning/Obscure Elbow, Clear, Opposite Eye Poke, Lead Upward Elbow, Circle to Hammerfist

Calming the Storm Right Roundhouse Club
Opposite Outward Block, Lead Punch, Opposite Punch, Lead Backfist

Darting Mace Two Hand Wrist Grab
Grab/Lead Punch, Clear, Opposite Punch, Step Through/Chop to Palm

Hooking Wings Two Hand Push Low
Double Hook Parries, Lead Kick, Horizontal Figure 8 Strikes, Upward Elbow, Claw (Palm)

Shield and Sword Left Punch
Opposite Double Factor Block, Lead Chop, Opposite Elbow, Lead Hammerfist, Kick

Gift In Return Front Handshake
Strike with opponents hand, Step Through Arm Pull, Step Through Kick then Knee

Obstructing the Storm Right Overhead Club
Opposite Upward X Block, Step Around/Arm Bar, Opposite Knee

Twin Kimono Front Two Hand Lapel Grab, Pushing Out
Opposite Check/Lead Upward Block Break, Hammerfist, Clear, Outward Handsword

Sleeper Right Punch
Lead Inward Parry, Opposite Strike, Step Through Choke, Take Down, Opposite Punch/Knee Drop

Spiraling Twig Rear Bear Hug, Arms Free
Horse Stance, Both Clear Strikes, Step Throughs/Wrist Lock, Step Through Kick, Lifting Backfist

Cross of Destruction Rear Two Hand Choke
Horse Stance, Double Grab, Rear Step Through Arm Cross, Step Through/Kick, Elbow

Flight To Freedom Rear Hammerlock
Lead Elbow, Switch Back Kick, Twist Stance/Arm Lock, Step Through Kick, Cover/Arm Break

Short 2-Teaches the beginning of Techniques in Forms transitions, more advanced Blocking and Striking concepts.

Finger Set-Teaches Finger and Specialized Hand utilization as a striking weapon
Coordination Set-Teaches Coordination of Opposite Striking weapons executed simultaneously.

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