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Contemporary Zen 2

You say Potato, I say French Fry.

        Arguing.  It seems to be everywhere these days.  You turn on the TV, the radio, read the newspaper, even engage in a little good natured websurfing and you'll probably find a once calm, rational debate turned into a chair throwing brawl.  And while you try to duck out of the way to save a broken nose, surprisingly you may find the people around you entranced in these melees of hostility and retribution.  You may even find yourself hooked on these unbelievable and oddly mystifying events.  It has happened to the best of us.  Even I have found myself staying up late watching "cutting edge" talk shows just to see one of the contestants rush in anger to pummel their former friend across the room.  Only to be stopped by some overpaid bar bouncer throw them to the floor and then leave them alone to do the same thing all over again.  A lot of people find this sort of stuff really entertaining on a regular basis, but generally it is looked upon like mild car wreck during rush hour.  No matter what mindset you are coming from, there will still be this inherent curiosity to look and see what happened.  And a perhaps sliver of happiness that it wasn't you in the wreck.

       Now I don't want to get on the soap box here, but this arguing thing has gotten out of hand.  Especially on the internet.  The web has an incredibly scary potential to make all other mediums look like a snail crawling uphill.   Outside the net you have a small number of people offering their opinion and arguing with everyone who doesn't agree with it.  On the net, everyone in the world can shoot their opinion into open air and create arguments with, well... everyone in the world.  Even in the Kenpo community someone can throw their hat into the ring and get it kicked around by some well meant, slightly overbearing, smart aleck with a computer and a website to put..., ok you got me.  The creators of these three websites are just as guilty on the arguing issue, but with that said I am afraid the discussions you find in this section are far more tame than a lot of the stuff you will find out there.  On any Kenpo website with a discussion forum, rest assured you will find an open debate on concepts between systems turn into a name calling, mud slinging, verbal fist fight.  And even when someone with the good sense to end the "thumb war" (like the individual maintaining the site), the argument seems only to increase.  It's almost like the people who wanted to start this sparring match smells the fear (or lack of it) in your demeanor and goes in for the kill.

       And I don't want to name names, but there was even a website on the net that had sections specifically dedicated to letting the world know that the founder of American Kenpo not only wasn't an actual black belt, but that he was a sexist, racist, devout religious person.  Man, that last one was really bad wasn't it?  I have to admit, I have been looking forward to saying this for a long time, and I know this subject alone has started some very heated discussions, and this may be a little rough, but I gotta say it.  Now I haven't been around for a long time, but when I read this material for the first time I actually printed it out to keep a hard copy of it.  Not because I believed any of it, but because there were times I thought I might need a good laugh.  With all (and immense) due respect towards Mr. Parker, I realize neither he and his organization need no one to defend it, they both stand on their own.  But this stuff was just plain garbage.  I mean, to actually pick on someone for being religious, what's next?  "He helped little old ladies across the street and protected the weak."  The rest of the sludge was not only unfounded, unimportant if even true, unrealistic, but just plain wrong.  However, these stories were written, for no other reason then because these folks couldn't have even remotely gotten away with it what Mr. Parker was with us.  Yet, this information is still being argued to this day on forums (almost) everywhere.

       All right, with that said, the folks that made these statements genuinely believe what they had to say.  I mean, it's not like anyone who argues any point is going to say, "well, I'm going to argue this point to the end, but I think I might be wrong."  So does this mean my arguing that last point is going to change anything?  Does this mean any of the arguing that has gone on in the Martial Arts world in general is going to change anything?  Let's just say that the chances of that happening make toothpicks look about as big as a telephone pole.

       Because of this, we are going to do something new with our sites when we put a discussion forum.  All of the other forums put disclaimer statements at the start of the forum asking to keep things clean and polite, only to have the first message on the forum state that American Kenpo practitioners are sexist because the guys have their knot on the left and girls have their knot on the right (sorry, that was the cleanest I could come up with).  So what we are planning to do is let everyone know that they are free to write whatever they want, and maybe that way folks will do the opposite.  Yea right.  However, back to reality.  In this country, we are free to do, for the most part whatever we want.  Heck, I can even partially rip off a rather funny, former Saturday Night Live star turned long running HBO talk show host for no other reason then because I appreciate his sense of humor.  Yet, with freedom comes responsibility.  If your exercise of freedom ruffles another persons feathers, you have to be mature enough to take a little pecking.  In other words, if you go to someone's discussion forum and say whatever you want, you have to be adult enough to respect and listen to their point of view too.  And more importantly, not be surprised if your statements get an unfavorable response in your direction.  Not to mention, if you do have something important and controversial to say, you might want to be adult enough to leave your name.

       Let's put this in another way.  Pretend for a moment that the webpage forum you have just entered is someone's house.  And you read where someone has specifically said something to anger the followers of the site;  which would be something similar to their relieving themselves in your houseplants.  Now a lot of times when the guests at the house and the owner get angry with them and respond, the offender can't understand why everyone is unhappy.  Generally, the offender won't even admit that you just caught them relieving themselves in your house.  Granted this is a very dramatic example, but judging from some of the comments that have been left on several American Kenpo website forum's, it may not be that far off.  Everything from extremely inappropriate comments about individual practitioners and their family members, to stating that someone is a wimp because they don't like excessive groin contact and are curious if they are normal.  And on the later note, I personally would be rather un-nerved towards someone who actually likes a great deal of full contact groin strikes (and I've actually met someone who did like that sort of thing, it was a truly creepy introduction).

       Now with that said, what's the solution to all of these verbal tennis matches.  Well it is quite simple really, the easiest answer you will find to any question involving Kenpo in every way, the answer stressed in not only all of the websites surrounding this feature but also in the Kenpo community at large, the super glue fix-all that is American Kenpo itself...... training.  Sure, that may sound silly, but nothing could be more true.  It has already been established that the people starting these arguments should be listened to about as much as the Chihuahua from those taco commercials.  And the fact is, even if these people had a valid point in their flame messages to forums (which most of the time they don't even come close), the people in the Kenpo community have already made their decisions on the paths they will take.  Good or bad, in some way everybody has their own beliefs and their decisions are just that...their's.  Even this discussion really won't change anything for the same reason, the decision has been made.  But I will say this, I understand the need to defend one's position against verbal or physical attack.  Heck, it is the founding reason for the drive behind American Kenpo in the first place.  I can't say that I understand the need to go into someone's house and tell the tenants they are wrong or confused or just plain dense.  The need for this has always escaped me.  However, for those how are on the defending side of the turf, find comfort in what you believe, the Art of Kenpo.  Training in Kenpo is what brings us all together, and no matter what side of the tracks we come from, it will always be the common denominator.

       So train hard, train often, and train wisely, that's more important in Kenpo then anything.  And don't listen to all this negative hoopla that you are following blindly the wrong teacher, or that the founder of the system you are studying wasn't an official black belt from the system he started in, or that you'd be much more cool if you didn't wear your cup to the next workout.  The best thing you can due is follow your heart.  All the political, macho, painful, and irrelevant stuff will work itself out in the end.

Although, that is just my impression, I could be mistaken.

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