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American Kenpo Karate Affiliated

All Dragon Tales logos created for this site by Perpetual Graphix for use by Dragon Tales E-zine.


The Story Behind

       In the beginning, Martial Fusion (previously Lightning Gear Kenpo) was the home site for the editorials and training concepts found within this E-Zine.  However, Martial Fusion was never truly intended to function as a studio or training hall, nor an online Zine.  The organization was originally created to provide functional, dynamic training equipment and be an outlet for the illustrations by Perpetual Graphix.  There were, at the time, only small pieces of training concepts from Martial Fusion to make learning and retaining the skills found within KENPO KARATE easier.  And one of the founders of Martial Fusion likes to write.  So, after many different alterations of the site, we have founded an idea we truly like.  Dragon Tales.

        With Dragon Tales, the best of both world's can come together under one roof.  All of the extremely effective self-defense techniques, forms, freestyle, and sets from the American Kenpo and the physical training concepts for the equipment from Martial Fusion can come together in harmony.  Instead of simply displaying training information in a strict, internet setting, we have chosen to put forth more of a e-zine feel to the site.  Granted, the information covered in these sections will be more in line with an examination of basics and physical training for self-defense then the often typical, by the books Kenpo analysis.  The individual in charge of the new Zine format didn't want it to be cookie cutter and write only for the Advanced Kenpo students, nor adhere strictly to the "self-defense techniques are the only thing we talk about, and they are done in this way."  He wanted to do things differently from most and talk to all levels, and more importantly to keep things simple.

        All of the previous training concepts will still be available in their individual sections.  The Self-Defense Training Concept Sections will still provide the very same type of material for which they were created.  Each section is meant to try, in some way, to make Kenpo a little easier for everyone.  For we are all meant to work with Kenpo, not for it.  Given that our main mode of life and everyday transactions with others don't involve a lot of excess weaponry (or at least it shouldn't), Empty-Hand Training is our foremost design.  And it is our aim to make these concepts and principles within Empty-Hand Training easier to digest and guide the student towards the ultimate goal of training:  to reach the subconscious level of action where motion isn't thought out, and arrives spontaneously.

        This very same ideal on working "with" Kenpo will also go into the Man-Made Weapons Training Concept Sections . We have decided to stay with the FireStorm and FluidLance Training Concepts mainly as they relate almost directly to the Martial Fusion Product Lines.  FireStorm Training concepts will be designated for Blunt Weapons, including Bo Staff and Kenpo Club motion theories and application.  FluidLance Training Concepts will be designated for Edged Weapons, including Sword (or Kenpo Sword), and Knife motion theories and application.  The weapons of choice for the sections were decided upon for their variations in length as the main distinction.  Other considerations will be placed within each section as needed. 

        Also within Dragon Tales are two other physical training sites which are dedicated more towards straight physical and mental conditioning.  This is one of our favorite concepts which we would love to expand on outside of the internet.  It is called Gym TigrisGym Tigris is a rather revolutionary concept in the gymnasium world, bringing the best elements from both the health and fitness communities, and martial arts fitness conditioning.  At Gym Tigris you will find information that can help you to increase many areas of your martial arts training, no matter what style or system you are studying.  More importantly you will find an environment void of narcissism and other typical habits found within the gymnasium world. 

       At it's core however, the idea behind Gym Tigris is for everyone, and we do mean EVERYONE, no matter their style or system, to have a place where they can go and workout.  Coming up through the ranks, the coolest stories we were told were those involving people getting together in their garage or backyard or whatever, and simply working out.  Not necessarily teaching, or trading information, which did happen most of the time, but more "giving your body to science" so to speak.  And under the Tigris roof, if you want to teach and you're qualified, great, if you want to trade information, even better.  All we would ask is, just like the website, you leave any bad attitudes at the door and come to workout. 

        The second is called Kenpo Chi .   Kenpo Chi, although having a rather funny name, is our section dedicated to discussing ways to bring the student closer to their Kenpo training and in turn, themselves.  Here we will discuss methods and concepts not commonly talked about in the Kenpo community.  However, they are still fun, interesting, and educational methods of training that will possibly challenge the student more then anything else.  The concepts discussed will be geared more towards metaphysical methods and spiritual enlightenment of the Dragon, and less towards the physical power and prowess of the Tiger.

         While there is a big "market" if you will about the topic of Chi Meridians and the idea of Pressure Point Strikes, Kenpo Chi will not really be a format for that sort of material.  We may talk about Meridians as they relate to meditative and spiritual enlightenment, better health, and more productive conversations, as they were truly intended.  However, it is not our place to go into the other side of this subject, for it's application on another person in self-defense is a topic that cannot be covered lightly.  And more importantly should not even be considered without a high degree of knowledge and proficiency, due to it being an extremely dangerous pursuit.

        The Editorials at Dragon Tales will cover a collage of different subjects.  We have editorials on the Kenpo Community, our other projects outside of the Zine, and even some humorous ramblings.  Beyond our general editorials, we have the Contemporary Zen articles.  Don't expect heavy-handed, serious information at Contemporary Zen.  You won't find any.  Contemporary Zen is where we let loose and talk humorously about all things Kenpo.  Critics Corner Editorials will be on different products and services encompassing all aspects of the martial arts, from Empty-Hand training products, to consultation in the pros and cons of various self-defense tools.  The products at Martial Fusion will even fall under the ax of our editorials, for we spare no one.  And finally, there is Kenpo Diversity , which will be changing constantly.  While surfing the internet we have found a lot of aggression and backbiting among the Martial Arts Community in general on a fairly regular basis.  The Kenpo world is the one that means the most to us, in the end, so this is our focus in the Kenpo Diversity area.  Here we aren't going to talk about unity of the Kenpo world, or that we should all get along.  Instead our goal is to talk about where the true power and diversity in Kenpo and any martial art lies:  in ourselves.  Kenpo Diversity will also have it's own line of graphics in homage to everything that makes the martial arts great. 

        All of the training sections will be put into pure motion terms and useful, with application of these concepts left to the individual.  The editorials shall be based in easy to read topical analysis.  The purpose of these training sections and editorials are, as always, to promote positive methods of training and learning of self defense, and never to promote violence of any kind.  To aid martial arts practitioners who arrive at this page, there will be a links page with sites on everything from philosophy and health to official KENPO KARATE  web pages.  These links will be similar then the Martial Fusion and Golden Tempest Kenpo Studio links, they will be martial arts based.  Please feel free to take a look around the site and see what you can find.  My only request is that you would keep an open mind, which is necessary in all martial arts endeavors.  Good luck, keep the energy flowing, and remember in the end it's only motion until someone gets an eye poked out.

May you find both the Scholar and the Warrior
in your Kenpo endeavors.

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